High auto insurance deductibles can wipe out your savings when you file a claim. Don’t let that happen to you when you need a rock chip repaired!
In Texas, most insurance companies waive the deductible for auto glass repair; however, most do NOT waive deductibles for windshield replacement.
Whether you can get a rock chip repaired with no out-of-pocket expense depends on what type of insurance you have.
Types of Auto Insurance
There are different types of auto insurance, but not all provide glass coverage. The cost of auto insurance deductibles vary from policy to policy so contact your agent if you have questions about your coverage.
Most states require you to carry liability insurance which covers damage to property and other drivers if you cause an accident. This type of insurance does not cover your windshield or any damage to your car. If you have liability coverage only, you cannot file an auto glass claim. Please select a different payment option.

Most Texas insurance companies waive the deductible for auto insurance claims
Collision auto insurance covers damage to your vehicle if you are in an accident. It is usually required by the lender who carries the loan on your car. If any auto glass is damaged in an accident, this part of your policy may cover the cost of replacing the it, minus the deductible.
Collision insurance is usually combined with comprehensive to form a full coverage policy.
A comprehensive auto insurance policy pays for damage to your vehicle that is not the result of an accident. Depending on the cause of damage, it covers repairs to your vehicle, minus the deductible. Like collision insurance, it is usually required by the bank that carries the loan on your vehicle.
Comprehensive auto insurance covers windshield chip repair. In Texas, most insurance companies waive the deductible on auto glass insurance claims for windshield repair using the comprehensive portion of your full coverage policy.
Does Your Insurance Company Waive the Deductible?
I keep an updated list of companies who do and do not waive auto insurance deductibles. Every state is different, so these lists are for TEXAS only.
THESE LISTS ARE NOT COMPLETE. Help me keep the lists up-to-date! Please send additions or corrections by using the contact form or adding a comment on my Facebook
This table is the result of years of experience and takes great effort to maintain. You may LINK TO THIS PAGE but please do NOT copy the tables and put them on your own website. Thank-you.
Companies that Do Not Waive Auto Insurance Deductibles
AAA of Texas |
Infinity |
Companies that Waive Auto Insurance Deductibles in Texas
I do not guarantee the accuracy of this list. Your auto glass insurance coverage will be verified at your windshield repair appointment.
GlassLogic Windshield Repair is an insurance network “preferred mobile auto glass shop.” All repairs paid by insurance carry a lifetime warranty. If you have further questions about auto insurance deductibles for glass repair, please call me at . I will be happy to answer your questions.
More articles about auto glass windshield repair:
- How to Prevent Getting a Chipped Windshield
- Texas Sun Causes Cracked Windshields
- GlassLogic Windshield Chip Repair Services
I can not believe that they want me to pay 500 deductible for windshield repair, when it’s only 268.00 to repair.. & it’s all about money for progress now days .. It sucks… T
That’s why many people don’t use their insurance to replace the windshield. On most cars, it is much cheaper than the deductible to just pay out-of-pocket. Then you don’t have a claim on your insurance, either. Deductibles are only waived in Texas for chip repair.